As I have said in several of my previous posts, I was raised as a Lutheran, and both of my parents were Lutheran school teachers. I spent the majority of my life as a true conservative. I always used to say that I was as liberal as one could be and still be a conservative. I now call myself a “Little r” Republican, and claim to be a moderate/conservative. This change in my thinking came about because of the realization and journey to acceptance of my Bisexuality.
Now that I am selectively out and spending more time in LGBTQ spaces I am exposed more than ever to very opinionated and vocal Liberals. I have nothing against different points of view. I am, however, troubled greatly by the assumption by these individuals that all conservative Christians lean very far to the right and therefore, hate anything to do with the LGBTQ community. I am here to tell you that couldn’t be farther from the truth!
To be fair, it is no different than believing all Middle Easterners are Jihadist, Taliban, or ISIS. Again, that couldn’t be farther from the truth either. Most of the vocal right are a very small percentage of most modern Christians today. However, because they are the loudest voice, they are deemed to be the “Face of Christianity.” In all actuality they are the right’s vocal minority.
More and more Protestant Denominations are not only warming to the LGBTQ community, they are embracing them. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America have many (RIC) Reconciled In Christ congregations who allow both men and women who are living an openly homosexual lifestyle to become ordained, as does the Episcopal Church. I believe the Methodist Church is open to the LGBTQ community also, but I don’t know the particulars. While we are no where near total acceptance, we are light years away from where we were when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s.
There are those Christians who have twisted the Bible’s words in order to support their agenda of hate, like the Westborough Baptist Church in Kansas. These Christians, while well meaning have a very perverted view of God’s word. In order to prove these Christians are a very small percentage of the whole who have it wrong, I would like to quote one of the most widely know Bible verse and the verse that follows it. This will bring to light God’s true intentions and feelings about all of His children.
John 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
As you can see in verse 17, it is not God’s intent or purpose to condemn His people with hatred but to save them from sin. Before you get upset and say, but being born LGBTQ isn’t sinful at all, know I agree with you whole-heartedly. However, what you need to understand is that changing the way corporate religion views the LGBTQ community is by and large a long slow process.
I was raised in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. This is the more conservative sects of the two largest Lutheran bodies. They aren’t quite there with the ELCA when it comes to accepting those of us in the LGBTQ community, but they are no longer throwing rocks either.
There are even some Evangelicals, those Christians on the very far right, who are coming around. For example; Kathy Baldock, who has made it her life’s mission to change Christians views regarding the LGBTQ community. She has written a book, which is out of print but you can still get used copies on line, titled; “Walking the Bridgeless Canyon – Repairing the breach between the Church and the LGBT community.”
I currently have a used copy, but have yet to start reading it. I have, however, watched her 45-minute video explaining the gist of her book. (Link Below.) It is well worth your time, especially if you don’t really intend to read the book.
She is also part of “The Reformation Project” which is dedicated to the same cause she is committed to.
YouTube Link:
The Reformation Project Link:
I can verify the Methodists are opening their hearts tonthe LGBT community. We had a woman pastor who wore rainbow colored garb on the pulpit.
ReplyDeleteYes, her girlfriend lived with her in the parsonage. Wonderful woman, but they moved her on as they do all the good ones.
Thank you for your input.